On Thursday, February 22nd, and Friday 23rd, the Sapienza University of Rome is going to host “Smart Park a Centocelle“: two days of workshop all dedicated to the Centocelle Archeological Park, an area that is currently hosting an experimental project of urban regeneration from a “Smart” perspective, conducted by ENEA in collaboration with LUISS LabGov.

The workshop is organized in the context of the Lab of Environmental Desing from the degree course in Landscape Architecture, coordinated by Prof. Arch. Alessandra Battisti in collaboration with Ing. Mauro Annunziato from ENEA, and will be structured as following:

Thursday, February 22nd

  • h 9.00: Institutional Welcome – Prof. Laura Ricci
  • Introduction
    • Prof. Alessandra Battisti (La Sapienza)
    • Ing. Mauro Annunziato (ENEA)
  • h 10.00: ENEA’s projects: Smart Cities & Smart Communities – Arch. Claudia Meloni (ENEA)
  • h 10.30: Enabling Technologies for Smart Cities – Arch. Sabrina Romano (ENEA)
  • h 11.00: Analysis of the urban climate and mitigation scenarios in Piazza dei Mirti – Michele Zinzi (ENEA)
  • h 11.30: Co-Cities methodology for urban co-governance – Chiara Prevete and Chiara De Angelis (LabGov)
  • h 14.00: workshop

Friday, February 23rd

  • h 9.00: workshop
  • h 14.30: presentation of the results
  • h 16.30: open discussion on the results with LabGov’s co-founder Prof. Christian Iaione and community members
  • Conclusions

The full program can be found here: http://www.architettura.uniroma1.it/sites/sf01/files/allegati_notizie/Workshop%20Centocelle.pdf