Save the date: on 29th and 30th March will take place the fourth module of the Urban Clinic EDU@LabGov in Luiss Guido Carli University. This fourth module is mainly dedicated to ‘Urban Experimentalism’!
On Friday 29th March the workshop will take place in the classroom 305b from 16pm to 18pm in the Luiss Campus.
The Urban Clinic will host dr. Daniela Patti, expert in the urban regeneration and in the collaborative planning and co-founder and manager of Research & Action ( She will talk about cooperation in cities and successful examples of civic cooperation. In the second part of the workshop, Labgovers will listen to prof. Lorenzo Maria Donini, expert in nutritional principles and food science from La Sapienza University. This will represent an important step in the development of the digital platform that Labgovers have designed in order to raise awareness towards the importance of food, sport and agriculture for individual and collective well-being.
On Saturday 30th March from 10 am to 17 pm in room 310 of the Luiss roman Campus will take place the fourth co-working session. The Urban Clinic will host Vincenzo Maria Capelli, agricultural entrepreneur of the gardens and boating champion from Confagricoltura. He will talk to the Labgovers about his professional experience and the connection between urban agriculture, sport, entrepreneurship. The co-working session will be moderated from Alexander Piperno, PhD Luiss in economics and from the team of EDU@LabGov to support the students in order to add new wedges to the idea that they are developing and to strengthen the sustainability model.
In an increasingly polluted world the local communities bring with them a huge, but unfortunately often neglected, potential for the development of social innovation initiatives aimed at a radical change in favor of renewable energy.
The seminar “Local Communities and Social Innovation for the Energy Transition” to be held at JRC Ispra Site (Ispra, Varese, Italy) on 22 and 23 November 2018 aims to study this potential and research recommendations aimed at obtaining a better exploitation of energy resources.
Furthermore, existing obstacles and conditions that favor or undermine the potential of local communities in the development of remedies of this kind will be discussed, as well as new models of innovation governance useful for the growth, consolidation and dissemination of social innovation initiatives in local communities.
We will also discuss the characteristics that allow local energy communities to be recognized in the panorama of EU regulations and how they can be disseminated through European policy. Some of the main existing examples of initiatives of local energy communities developed in the EU will be discussed below.
Finally, particular attention will be given to the important role that can be played by municipalities, both as local energy communities, as facilitators and as promoters of social innovation initiatives.
At the seminar will be present: Nicola Labanca (JRC Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit), Sabine Hielscher (University of Sussex – UK), Josh Roberts (, Belgium), Paolo Bertoldi (JRC Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit), Christian Iaione (LUISS Guido Carli University, IT), David Hammerstein (Commons Network), Fritz Reusswig (Potsdman Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE), : Daniele Paci (JRC Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit), Jan Steinkohl (European Commission, DG ENER, Brussels), Dirk Hendricks (European Renewable Energy Federation, Brussels), Nikolaos Hatziargyriou (National Technical University of Athens, EL), Fabio Monforti (JRC Air and Climate Unit), Anna Mengolini (Energy Security, Distribution and Markets Unit, Joint Research Centre), Sarah Rieseberg (Arepo Consult, DE), Chiara Candelise (IEFE Bocconi University, IT), Gianluca Ruggieri (Insubria University, IT), Dick Magnusson (Linköping University, SE), Verhoeven Sofie (Ghent Municipality, BE), Lourdes Berdié (Network for Energy Sovereignty – Barcelona).
Professor Iaione, co-founder of LabGov, will present in the second discussion panel “Governance and Local Communities’ Social Innovation: which governance
approaches are needed to stimulate this innovation?” on the “Pooling Economy, Tech Justice and Urban Experimentalism for a Human Rights-based Approach to the Sharing Economy”.
On October the 14th, LabGov started the first co-working session in which Paola Santoro, an expert designer, exposed the “hero’s journey” having as protagonists Alessandra and Urio: the spokespersons of the raising Community of the Public Park of Centocelle. This is the #Co-Rome project ( an audacious initiative in which achievements and failures characterized the essence of the challenge.
The core topic of the meeting was to understand,also through creative games, what is “la facilitazione dei beni comuni”, more specifically how LabGov assisted the community as mentors, not imposing themselves as superior entities capable of solving problems, rather as an enterprising group that can offer them all the means to improve the environmental situation of a public park, with the common goal to fill-in the gap between the community’s unsatisfied social reality and the dreamed one. This “green” forgotten area, that at a first glance might appear as common as any other park in Rome, deep inside has embedded all the shared values that gradually arose once that a touch-point between the park’s users and the object used was fixed.
An other important workshop in Centocelle, in the framework of the CO-Roma project, will be held on Wednesday, October 5th, in the hall of Rome’s V Municipio. The representatives of the various associations active on the territory will meet to discuss the creation of a cooperative of community that reunites all of them to manage together the redevelopment of the PAC (Archeological Park of Centocelle).
The workshop will be held only two days after a meeting (held on Monday, October 3rd) where the representatives of the associations counted themselves and started clarifying the priorities that have to be solved soon. The key focus of the path that we have undertaken together has not changed: the n.1 priority is to bring people back to the park, and to let it become usable again. But in order to achieve this objective, there are two issues that have to be solved soon: ensuring both a safe environment and the restoration of the activities that revolve around the park.
The participants focused around the identification of a small, but complex, action to be developed in a quadrant of the park: an action that could both solve an existing problem and test them as a collaborating team. Once that the quadrant was identified, thanks to the facilitation of Paola Santoro, the team listed the stakeholders that have to be involved in the process and the activities that can be proposed to them.
More info about the CO-Roma project are available here:
The fifth edition of LUISS LabGov Educational Lab (workshops, co-design sessions and fieldwork) will re-start on September 30th, 2016! The meeting will be held in Viale Romania, 32 – 00198 Rome at 4.00 PM.
EDU_LabGov 2016-2017 will explore the principles, techniques, instruments and practices of the roman commons’ management. Rome, in particular its periferic areas, is going to be the focus of this experience, which will begin from LUISS community garden, intended as a gym for collaboration, cooperation and auto-organization. Students will learn to build and develop concrete projects of social innovation, sharing economy and collaborative urban development for the city of Rome, in particular in the urban experimentation fields of the CO-Roma project (
More info about the Laboratory here:
The calendar of activities is available here:
La quinta edizione di LUISS LabGov (workshops, sessioni di co-design e fieldwork) ripartirà il 30 settembre 2016 alle ore 16.00 in Viale Romania, 32 – Roma!
Il nuovo LABoratorio per la GOVernance dei beni comuni riprenderà le sue attività concentrandosi sulla Città Eterna, Roma, e in particolare nei cantieri di sperimentazione urbana del progetto CO-Roma ( Anche in questo caso, le 5 anime dellagovernance collaborativa (social innovation, istituzioni, Università , imprese e società civile) collaboreranno per RIcostruire Roma, rendendola più vivibile e sostenibile.
Informazioni dettagliate sulla struttura del Laboratorio a questo link:
Il calendario delle attività è disponibile qui: