by Chiara De Angelis | Jan 10, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

From January 8 to 12, Amsterdam is going to host “The Circle City: planning for resourceful cities“, a 5-days event aimed at exploring the impact and practice of the principles of circularity in developing urban areas, housing and public space.
The 2018 edition of the Studio will be focused on trying to address and answer some of the principal question about the principle of circularity. How can cities reuse their resources to provide for housing, public spaces and urban qualities? How can planning reduce the environmental impact of urban development? What type of policies and projects can we design in make urban space more adaptive to energy, waste and water resources?
The format of the Studio combines critical scholarship, policy making and case study analysis in the context of Amsterdam Region. It is organized around 4 topics:
- Circular flows and urban change: introduction to circularity – panel held on January 8th by Prof. Herbert Girardet;
- Spatial fabrics of closed loops development – panel held on January 10th by Paul Jansen and Jeremy Croes;
- Social reciprocity or sharing costs: privatisation or commoning in localities – panel held on January 11 by LabGov’s co-founder, prof Christian Iaione;
- The politics of the circular democracy – panel held on January 12 by Prof Erik Swyngedouw.
On January 13 the Studio will host the final presentations of student projects, attending experts Marjolein Brasz and Andre Struker.
On Wednesday 10th, the Studio will open a public debate at Pakhuis de Zwijger at 19.30, looking at the political challenges of circular economic development related to urban democracy, urban regeneration and economic growth together with international discussants:
The full program of the event is available here:
Watch the livestream of the public debate here:
by Chiara De Angelis | Dec 4, 2017 | The Urban Media Lab

On Tuesday, December 5th, Milan will host the national AUDIS convention “Rigenerare la rigenerazione” (regenerating regeneration): a moment of confrontation on the new ASTRID’s proposals to overcome the obstacles that are restraining a widespread urban regeneration process all over Italy.
From 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM, in Fondazione Caseilla, AUDIS and its hosts will try to answer three fundamental question:
- What exactly is the role of urban regeneration for the development of the country? What are its economic and social consequences and are they strong enough to justify an effort from the cultural, administrative and economic point of view?
- What are the strongest brakes that are slowing down and sometimes preventing its implementation? What are the main roadblocks involving both Public Administration and private sector?
- Is it possible now to draw some guidelines in order to loosen the main knots?
LabGov’s co-founder prof Christian Iaione is going to attend the event during the session dedicated to AUDIS’ proposals.
The full program of the event is available here:
Martedì 5 gennaio si terrà il convegno nazionale AUDIS, dedicato alla rigenerazione urbana e alle proposte per ripartire e riavviare il processo iniziando dal superamento dei maggiori ostacoli incontrati in Italia nella pubblica amministrazione e nel settore privato
by Chiara De Angelis | Nov 30, 2017 | The Urban Media Lab

On Thursday, December 7th, Florence will host the presentation of the Green Paper of Regione Toscana for a Regional Agenda on collaborative economy and commons.
#COLLABORATOSCANA is the process led by the Tuscany Region with the support of LabGov and SocioLab, to build a regional public policy on sharing economy and collaborative economy.
The process consisted in co-design sessions and workshop that involved different sectors of the regional structure and a variety of local stakeholders coming from different areas (entreprises, startups, third sector, NGOs, active citizenship) with the aim of defining a Green Paper containing a mapping of regional public policies to be put together, and a series of proposals on objectives, actions and measures spotted to the co-design path.
The #COLLABORATOSCANA Green Paper will be presented in collaboration with ANCI Toscana on December 7th from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM in BUH Circolo Culturale Urbano (Via Panciatichi 16, Florence).
The process is developd with the scientific support of the international research project “Co-Cities and Co-Territories” within LUISS LabGov, directed by prof Christian Iaione, and its methodology is cured by Sociolab cooperative, and supported by
Tickets are available on
Giovedì 17 dicembre sarà presentato presso BUH Circolo Culturale Urbano (Via Panciatichi 16) a Firenze il Libro Verde della Regione Toscana per un’agenda regionale sull’economia collaborativa e i beni comuni.
by Chiara De Angelis | Nov 24, 2017 | The Urban Media Lab
Matera Design Evolution is a project designed and organized by Associazione Casa Netural that will take place on November 25th and 26th in Matera, European Culture Capital for 2019. Design becomes a tool to think and invent new ways to regenerate the old historical center of Grottole (Matera).
A community composed by designers, artisans and practitioners will reunite for two days of workshops to elaborate and build together all the different aspects of #WonderGrottole. It will be a design network, a community aggregator, a unique experience to meet, know each other, share experiences, work together for a magical territory: Matera, Grottole and Basilicata.
The community of Wonder Grottole is looking for someone to co-design together: the crowdfunding strategy for the project, the architectural concept, the IA, the mobility, the web platform, the manifesto, the governance.
The program will be structured as following:
– On the first day the project will be introduced to the participants through a walk in and out of Grottole;
– On the first and second day participants will be divided into work groups, and each of them will be developing an aspect of the project. Then everybody will reunite for lunch and dinner, to update each other on the process.
At the end of the two days, the output will be the definitive choice of the house, and the definition of:
– the Manifesto;
– the web platform;
– the economic plan;
– the timeline
– homeworks (!);
– dates for the next meetings;
Moreover, the project supporters are going to subscribe the Foundation document of the project.
Chiara Prevete, LabGov’s executive director, will attend the meeting.
The full program of the event is available here:
Il 25 e 26 novembre Matera ospiterà #WonderGrottole: due giorni di workshop intensivi per ripensare e co-disegnare la rigenerazione del centro storico del comune di Grottole
by Chiara De Angelis | Nov 22, 2017 | The Urban Media Lab

From November 22nd to 24th, Rijeka (Croatia) is going to host the Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies Conference.
The Conference is organized by Kultura Nova Foundation, in partnership with Rijeka 2020 LLC and collaboration with European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) as a part of the “Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions” project supported by UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity. The conference is also supported by the regional intergovernmental forum Central European Initiative.
The Conference, through the presence of scholars, researchers, theoreticians, cultural operators, artists, practitioners, activists, policymakers and decision-makers from across the world, is going to cover a number of issues and concerns about the challenges, limitations, paradoxes and perspectives that cultural research, practices and policies are facing around the concept of participatory governance in culture. The different paper and panel sessions will explore changes in the socio-political context, cultural and social effects of new models of governance, modes and levels of involvement of all relevant stakeholders in decision-making processes and the (re)organization and relevance of their roles.
Prof Christian Iaione, LabGov’s co-founder, is going to attend the conference as a keynote speaker. He will give a speech on “The right to the Co-City” on Thursday, November 23rd, at 7 pm.
The full program is available on the official website of the Conference: