by Elia Lofranco | Oct 27, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
Sharexpo is a project born thanks to Collaboriamo, Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation, Secolo Urbano, ModaCult and ExpoLab (Catholic University of Milan). The main goal is to bring to the attention of Institutions, economic players and grassroots the emerging topic of sharing economy, as well as to stimulate a cultural reflection on this theme. A much more fundamental reflection, for the city of Milan and generally for our country, considering the forthcoming event of Expo 2015. As a part of a wider project, the path of Sharexpo begins the 29th of November 2013 at Sharitaly, a major convention on sharing economy and the first
italian event entirely dedicated to this emerging paradigm. In April 2014 the promoters of the initiative formed also a steering commitee, consisting of fourteen members from different areas of expertise, who drew up a guideline document for the project. The drafting of the manifesto involved, throught a dedicated event, many public and private players (including the Municipality of Milan) that helped to identify strong points and weaknesses about a wide implementation of the sharing economy in the city. They also proposed solutions and suggestions. The participation of over seventy startups, associations, profit and no profit businesses in the creation of the manifesto represents a clear sign of how Italy is a fertile context for the flooding of sharing economy. A fact confirmed by a research of Duepuntozero Doxa.
The sharing economy model can so represent an effective “reaction” to the extraordinary demand of services that will strike the city of Milan during Expo. Indeed, the number of expected visitors is over 20 million (both domestic and foreign), and a considerable part of these, 10.4 million, is potentially interested in an innovative kind of services, based on sharing and collaboration. The model of sharing economy, therefore, profiles many opportunities in different ways: from the field of space-place to stay for the visitors to the ambits of transportation, personal service, work, free time or food services (these the areas of interest indentified by the manifesto).
However the implementation of this paradigm certainly needs both regulatory interventions (also from a fiscal point of view), designed to frame new circumstances in relation to the sharing economy services, and new organisational set-ups. These problems obviously add up to cultural commitments that prevent the spread of sharing economy-based services, mainly consisting in the lack of confidence in online security protocols (critical in the field of the sharing economy where the use of web platforms is often fundamental to access the service). It is not by coincidence, then, that the manifesto faces all these difficulties and suggests a plan of action to engage problems and achieve a network of collaborative services in Milan. A challenge far from impossible considering the increasingly fleeting spread the model of shareable city is having in Italy, where the city of Bologna can be considered a best pratice, and abroad (for example Seoul). The implementation phase of the project started in Milan last July and is going to end in April 2015. After that, a trial and evaluation phase has been scheduled and, from January 2016, the project is expected to be fully operational, making Milan one of the first shareable cities in Italy.
by Elia Lofranco | Nov 25, 2013 | The Urban Media Lab
Towards a shared administration in the care of urban commons.
Labsus – Laboratorio per la sussidiarietà, Centro Antartide with the support and involvement of the municipality of Bologna and through the founding of Del Monte Foundation have launched in the city of Bologna, during this year, several labs within the project “cities as commons“, officially unveiled on October 17 during a press conference.
The project aims to make the active involvement of citizens in the care of urban commons a primary trait of the administration of the city of Bologna, following a shared-administration model based on a new paradigm established between government and citizens. The aim has been pursued both by a facilitation of administrative procedures, allowing citizens to activate themselves in a more direct way, and by the testing, through the three labs currently planned in the project, of civic management forms. The Labs are located in different areas of the city. Each of them has been selected according with the neighborhoods.
The project includes several activities necessary to its full implementation: from the elaboration of a suitable law, to the formation of municipal staff involved in the scheme and the recognition of civic strengths available on the territory (surely also through the detection of civic mobilization experiences already active and working in the area). Finally major emphasis is given to on-field-experimentation and to the assessment of results. “Project activities” as Bologna’s major Virginio Merola declared “are designed to make Bologna an archetype, which may represent, in terms of regulation and operational practices a pilot project to be told and exported to other cities”.
photo credit: abusx via photopin cc
by Elia Lofranco | Oct 24, 2013 | Labs, The Urban Media Lab
Ci sporchiamo le mani per rigenerare il Tempio di Flora
Venerdì 25 ottobre 2013, a Roma dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 14.00, avrà luogo il primo “ReinventAda”, una serie di eventi di rigenerazione condivisa di Villa Ada, organizzato dal gruppo LabGov – Laboratorio per la Governance dei Beni Comuni (nato dalla collaborazione fra l’Università LUISS Guido Carli e Labsus) che ha come obiettivo quello di creare tra cittadini, amministrazioni, associazioni e imprese un’alleanza fondata sulla collaborazione fra tutti i soggetti che nella società e nelle istituzioni sono disposti a mettere in campo ciascuno le proprie capacità e le proprie risorse per affrontare e risolvere i problemi della collettività realizzando l’amministrazione condivisa o governance dei beni comuni. Oggetto del primo intervento di rigenerazione sarà il Tempio di Flora, situato nel cuore di Villa Ada, spazio concepito come luogo di aggregazione sociale, che ha ospitato e potrebbe ospitare diverse iniziative ludiche e culturali. I “governauti” hanno deciso di interessarsi ad un tempio ottocentesco particolarmente suggestivo, il Tempio di Flora che, sebbene sia stato oggetto di diversi interventi di restauro nel corso degli anni, versa oggi in una situazione di degrado perché le istituzioni hanno bisogno di trovare cittadini attivi pronti a prendersene cura e a proteggerlo quotidianamente e costantemente. La missione di questi “professionisti della cura condivisa dei beni comuni” sarà quella di dedicarsi in prima persona ad aggregare le forze che nella società sono pronte a collaborare con Roma Capitale per curare i suoi beni culturali e ambientali: nasce, così, l’idea di “sporcarsi le mani” in un’attività di cura e manutenzione. A Villa Ada l’azione di rigenerazione mira soprattutto all’eliminazione dei graffiti e alla pulizia del sito, grazie alla collaborazione della Soprintendenza Capitolina dei Beni Culturali e del Dipartimento Ambiente di Roma Capitale. La manutenzione civica dei beni culturali e ambientali rappresenta il primo passo verso la realizzazione di una governance condivisa di Villa Ada, grazie allo strumento della sperimentazione sul campo, che determina così la possibilità per i cittadini di salvaguardare un parco pubblico, patrimonio culturale della città. Parteciperanno al primo “ReinventAda” e saranno insigniti del titolo di “Labgover” honoris causa, Flavia Barca, Assessore alla Cultura, Creatività e Promozione artistica di Roma Capitale, Estella Marino, Assessore all’Ambiente, Rifiuti e Agroalimentare di Roma Capitale, Giovanni Lo Storto, Direttore Generale Università LUISS Guido Carli, Gregorio Arena, Presidente Labsus, Maria Teresa Rosito, vicepresidente Labsus, Alberta Campitelli, Dirigente U.O. Ville e Parchi Storici, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. Attraverso la cerimonia d’investitura, il gruppo intende simbolicamente ringraziare queste personalità per la fiducia, il supporto e l’ispirazione che hanno ricevuto.
8.30 Accoglienza partecipanti, Viale Romania, 32.
9.00 Accreditamento e assegnazione dei compiti.
9.30 Apertura del cantiere ReinventAda: saluto di benvenuto da parte di LabGov.
10.00 – 10.30 “Per una governance condivisa di villa Ada”, cerimonia di investitura del titolo di “labgover” honoris causa a:
Flavia Barca, Assessore alla Cultura, alla Creatività e Promozione artistica di Roma Capitale
Estella Marino, Assessore all’Ambiente, ai Rifiuti e all’Agroalimentare di Roma Capitale
Gregorio Arena, Presidente Labsus
Maria Teresa Rosito, Vicepresidente Labsus
Giovanni Lo Storto, Direttore Generale, Università LUISS Guido Carli
Alberta Campitelli, Dirigente U.O. Ville e Parchi Storici, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
ore 13.00 L’importanza del fare insieme. Come guardare lontano e costruire un futuro condiviso per Villa Ada. Incontro con le associazioni locali per progettare nuovi eventi di ReinventAda.
ore 14.00 Termine dei lavori di rigenerazione.
Con preghiera di diffusione
by Elia Lofranco | Oct 9, 2013 | The Urban Media Lab
In the northeastern city of Trento, was born in the past few days, thanks to an amendment to the provincial law, the first universal voluntary service. It might represent in an innovative way an effective response to budget cuts to national service, that has been reduced to just 68 mln euro in 2012 (by 299 mln euro in 2008) due to the global economic crisis, and a way to revitalize this institution. A primary institution that allows both the personal development of the youth (but also the growth of the sense of civic duty) and the multiplication of social value.
By the new provincial law the voluntary service is considered a right for all young people and private entities also have for the first time the possibility of accrediting and so contribute to the voluntary service system (before only the public was permitted to take part in). Moreover the duration of the service becomes more flexible, allowing a period from a few months to a few years, according to the needs of all stakeholders. Finally the Province will certify the skills acquired by the volunteers during the time of the service. In short a revolution compared to the classic model, which could maybe become the future of voluntary service at the national level.
by Elia Lofranco | Sep 19, 2013 | The Urban Media Lab

What is Valle Theater situation to be in the future? A group of performing artists is occupying the located in Rome 18th century dated theatre since 2011 as a reaction to resist to budget cutbacks to culture and to defend a place considered as a common. They are, since January 2012, fundraising in order to create a Foundation that manages the theatre and stabilize the occupation experience in a situation of lawfulness. At present finally the necessary money has been collected, however a happy ending still seems to be far.
Flavia Barca, assessor for culture of the municipality of Rome Capitale, declared that «certainly the establishment of the foundation is a positive sign» and Valle’s occupiers are surely a partner to be considered in the planning of projects concerning «different realities, actors, acting companies, associations». Anyhow, Barca said, a resettlement should be planned, also in order to proceed to recover the structure. So an uncertain future is shaping for the home of this experience of governance, the first of many others in Rome.