by Federica Maranesi | Mar 27, 2015 | EducationLabs, Luiss LabGov 2014-2015

Today at LabGov we’ll co-design the #OrtoLuiss. After the co-design session with Daniela Selloni last week, we will implement the knowledge acquired in term of co-designed services. We will try to draw and translate in practice the idea we have about the #OrtoLuiss as a place of collaboration, an educational space and a stage where many kind of events could take place. This time our challenge will be also to make the co-design process as spread as possible among the LUISS community. In the second part of the workshop, we’ll have another co-design session for the AMUSE project, which consists in a collaboration between LabGov, AMUSE and neighborhood for the requalification of the Piazza Ungheria’s flowerbed.
On Saturday, Labgov students together with LUISS professors and staff, will continue the experiment of the cooking course, with the help of LUISS canteen chefs. In the afternoon, all all those who have a passion for gardening, are invited to participate to the gardening course at #OrtoLuiss from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., in Viale Romania 32.
by Federica Maranesi | Sep 29, 2014 | EducationLabs, Luiss LabGov 2014-2015
Giovedì 2 ottobre, alle ore 17.30 il gruppo LabGov (Laboratorio per la Governance dei beni comuni) ha il piacere di invitare gli studenti LUISS presso la sede di Viale Romania 32, aula 304 A, per presentare il Laboratorio e i suoi contenuti, insieme al programma e alle attività previste per l’a.a. 2014/2015. Questo sarà un appuntamento che precederà l’inizio dei lavori del laboratorio, un momento di incontro nel quale i Labgovers avranno modo di parlare direttamente agli studenti, spiegando nel dettaglio che cos’è LabGov, di cosa si occupa e altre informazioni utili per l’iscrizione. LabGov però non è soltanto un laboratorio universitario. E’ un mondo in cui le capacità personali e le competenze professionali vengono inserite in un contesto di collaborazione, rielaborate, sviluppate e potenziate, per affrontare non solo le sfide e i progetti proposti all’interno del laboratorio, ma anche per arricchire un bagaglio di conoscenze utile per il futuro. Il Laboratorio per la Governance dei beni comuni, nasce proprio con lo scopo di sperimentare l’approccio del learning by doing attraverso una in house clinic applicata al tema dell’innovazione sociale, economica, istituzionale e giuridica. Idee potenti come cambiamento, cittadinanza attiva, beni comuni, innovazione sociale, sharing economy, condivisione, collaborazione, making e creatività, co-design e co-production stanno spingendo verso la società, l’economia, le imprese e le istituzioni verso nuove frontiere. Gli studenti costruiscono o portano negli appuntamenti della clinic e nel Laboratorio progetti che devono prendere o avere vita nel mondo reale, contribuendo a dare loro attuazione pratica o sostegno nel loro processo di innovazione. Nell’a.a. 2014-2015 oggetto di analisi e sperimentazione sarà la green governance intesa come tecnologia sociale, economica, istituzionale e giuridica applicata ai beni ambientali e paesistici, al territorio, agli stili di vita. Lo scopo ultimo è quello di elaborare una strategia di governance idonea a configurare il “territorio come bene comune” e per questo motivo LabGov indagherà i seguenti ambiti di studio e ricerca: “Ambiente, Agricoltura, Alimentazione”. Vi aspettiamo numerosi, non mancate.
Il Gruppo Labgov
by Federica Maranesi | Sep 2, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
From September 9th to September 13th, the Summer School of Coldiretti Giovani Impresa will be held in Pollica, in the province of Salerno, at the Capano’s Castle, which is the world headquarters of the Observatory for the Mediterranean diet. The Summer School aims to observe the Made in Italy from a socio-cultural, productive, economic, legal, commercial, environmental, communicative point of view. The Made in Italy today represents one of the strategic assets for developing a new political and economic model, based on the connection with the territories and in the cultural context in which they are embodied and regenerates. Around this model of development is necessary to build new professional figure which can endorse the potential of the made in Italy as one of the most important brand at global level. Within the framework of Made in Italy, supporters of the Summer School will be Coldiretti and the Observatory on crime in agriculture and agri-food system. The Summer School of Coldiretti Giovani Impresa and of the Observatory on crime in the agriculture and agri-food system is addressed to 30 young graduates of excellence of the faculties of Law, Political Science, Science of agricultural technologies, Food Science, Communication, Economics, selected in the Italian territories and abroad with the help of the Universities partners of the project. The classes, prepared by the Scientific Committee, in collaboration with teachers, will include both lectures, workshops and practical experiences. This didactic structure will provide a unique combination of experience and education. In this regard, classes will be held in places representative of the traditional made in Italy, but also squares or streets, beaches or the countryside, as well as cultural sites of high importance. Teaching will be developed on three courses that are the main macro areas of the Made in Italy environment:
Aimed to develop policies for hindering the phenomena of agromafie and italiansounding
Social innovation and Business development
To encourage the creation of new start-ups in the fields of Made in Italy and foster innovation in existing firms.
Territorial Development
To develop policies for sustainable territorial improvement, aimed at enhancing the identity and culture of the areas.
There will be public meetings with prominent personalities who act in the ecosystem of the Made in Italy with which the students can learn to confront what they have learned and present the projects they intend to develop. During the Summer School it is scheduled also a class held by Christian Iaione – Associate Professor of Public Law Universitàdegli Studi Guglielmo Marconi and LUISS Guido Carli- about the collaborative governance of the territories for participatory local development based on culture and the environment. Moreover the class will be followed by a workshop by LabGov, which consists in a Laboratory project at Velia about the governance applied to cultural heritage.
by Federica Maranesi | May 27, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab

On May 29th, at 9.30 the conference “Twist and Share” will take place in Rome within the 2014 ForumPA fair.
Christian Iaione, Director of Labsus, will be giving a speech about what kind of institutions need to be designed for a collaborative economy, and to present the Regulation on the collaboration among citizens and administration for the care and regeneration of urban commons drafted by Labsus with the Municipality of Bologna and recently approved by the City Council. The conference will focus on the concept of sharing, understood as a real and concrete institutional technology which can modify the productive chain of values through the empowerment of city users, going beyond the dichotomy among public and private sectors. During the conference close attention will be paid to the worldwide expansion of the collaborative governance models which characterize all the phases of the value creation process, from availability of resources, to design and consumption of products and services. In this context the Public Administration may play a key role as a mediator enabling the active actors of collaborative economy, and also as an accelerator for the spread of positive impacts on the community and as am hub of a governance network.
by Federica Maranesi | May 16, 2014 | EducationLabs, Luiss LabGov 2013-2014
On Monday, May 19th at Luiss Guido Carli University, will be held the event ‘Coltiviamoci‘. LabGov will host in Viale Romania 32, Aula Polivalente, a workshop focused on collective management of urban and environmental commons and on the development of institutional economic and social innovation. LabGov students will present the results achieved with the Lab’s activities and initiatives of 2014, and they will have also the pleasureto share knowledge, experiences and ideas with representatives from Coldiretti, Zappata Romana and Lazio Region Expo 2015 Steering Committee. This will be a unique event to talk about participatory processes aiming at actively involving actors on Expo 2015 major themes: ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’. Thus the workshop will focus on concrete, sustainable, technological solutions put forward by active citizens, such as community gardens, and by agricultural entrepreneurs taking care of the land as a commons.
- h 18.15 video show of LabGov2014 activities
- h 18.20 presentation of LabGov2014 results
- h 18.30 LabGov 2015 vs Expo2015
Giovanni Lo Storto – Luiss Guido Carli General Director
Maria Letizia Gardoni – President of Giovani Coldiretti
Luca D’Eusebio – Zappata Romana/ Hortus Urbis
Albino Ruberti – AD and President of Zétema and Coordinator of the Expo2015 working group for the region Lazio
- Concluding remarks: Gregorio Arena and Christian Iaione (Labsus)
- h 20.00 Awarding of participation certificates for LabGov’ s students; awarding of gratitude certificates for LabGov guest speakers