by Chiara De Angelis | Mar 20, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

The aim of the GSEF 2018 (October 1-3, 2018) is to highlight the Social Economy as a feasible option to foster socioeconomic progress and development.
The Bilbao City Council have announced that the deadline of the Call for Initiatives for GSEF 2018 has been extended until March 23. This is a chance to contribute to this 4th edition of the Global Social Economy Forum, bringing together regional and local governments, Social Economy agents, civil society, universities and social organizations.
Click here to SUBMIT your proposal at GSEF2018!
Open call up until the 23rd March
The selected initiative will be offered the chance to attend the Forum and expose the project before a large international audience (the 2016 Forum held in Montreal was attended by over 1,400 delegates).
Once evaluated, successful proposals will be presented at the GSEF2018 which will be held in Bilbao, in the Basque Country, from 1st to 3rd October of 2018.
Submit your initiatives here
by Chiara De Angelis | Mar 9, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

Culturability – regenerating spaces to share is starting its tour with the aim of presenting the 2018 call promoted by Fondazione Unipolis in ten italian cities.
On Monday, March 26th, at 5.30 PM, the call we be presented in Rome at Fusolab2.0 (Viale della Bella Villa 94, Rome), in collaboration with LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of the City as a Commons and Legacoop Nazionale.
During the event, the participants will be able to go through and deepen all the details of the call and ask question at a general or more specific level. It will also be an occasion to talk about the themes linked to the initiative – culture, social innovation and cohesion, collaboration and sustainability.
Fondazione Unipolis allocates for this call 450.000 euro for innovative cultural projects with a high social impact, aimed at regenerating and giving new life to abandoned spaces, buildings or ex industrial sites. 15 selected projects will have the opportunity of participating to a training path in June and July. In September, an evaluation committee will select between those the 6 finalists, that will receive 50.000 euro each and will continue the mentoring activity. The remaining 150.000 euros will be used to realize the training activities for the teams’ empowerment, for reimburses and support programmes.
Participants must register on Eventbrite to book a seat:
The call will be open until April, 20th. The call is open for NGO, private entreprises operating in the cultural field and informal teams with a majority of under 35 members. Projects must be sent online through the dedicated section on the website. For more information, please visit the official website
The initiative is in partnership with MIBACT (whose General Direction for Art, Contemporary Architecture and Urban Suburbs makes available economic resources for the sixth winning project, one more respect to the last call), Avanzi/Make a Cube³ and Fondazione Fitzcarraldo.
Culturability sta iniziando il tour 2018 per presentare il suo quinto bando, promosso da Fondazione Unipolis, in in dieci città italiane.
Il 26 marzo alle 17.30 la call sarà presentata a Roma presso Fusolab2.0, in collaborazione con LabGov e Legacoop Nazionale.
Nel corso dell’incontro sarà possibile approfondire tutti i dettagli della call e fare domande di carattere generale o legate alla propria idea. La serata sarà anche un’occasione per confrontarsi sulle tematiche al centro dell’iniziativa – cultura, innovazione e coesione sociale, collaborazione, sostenibilità – assieme agli ospiti presenti.
La Fondazione Unipolis stanzia 450 mila euro per progetti culturali innovativi ad alto impatto sociale finalizzati a rigenerare e dare nuova vita a spazi, edifici, ex siti industriali, abbandonati o sottoutilizzati. Fra le proposte pervenute, ne saranno selezionate 15 che avranno l’opportunità di partecipare a un percorso di formazione nei mesi di giugno e luglio. Tra queste, nel mese di settembre, una Commissione di Valutazione selezionerà i 6 progetti finalisti che riceveranno 50 mila euro ciascuno e continueranno l’attività di accompagnamento e mentoring. Gli altri 150 mila euro stanziati saranno utilizzati per realizzare le attività di formazione e accompagnamento per l’empowerment dei team, rimborsi spese per partecipare ai programmi di supporto.
Iscrizione obbligatoria su eventbrite a questo link:
La call è aperta dal 22 febbraio alle ore 13 del 20 aprile 2018. Al bando possono partecipare organizzazioni no profit, imprese private che operano in campo culturale ricercando un impatto sociale e team informali con prevalenza di under 35. I progetti dovranno essere inviati online tramite la sezione dedicata del sito Culturability.
L’iniziativa si avvale della collaborazione del MIBACT (la cui Direzione Generale Arte e Architettura Contemporanee e Periferie Urbane ha messo a disposizione le risorse economiche per finanziare un sesto progetto vincitore, uno in più rispetto allo scroso anno), e della partnership con Avanzi/Make a Cube³ e Fondazione Fitzcarraldo.
by Chiara De Angelis | Feb 21, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

On Thursday, February 22nd, the Bologna Urban Center is going to host the seminary “A one-year-long research: participation and imagination in the experience of Bologna’s Disctrict Labs“, organized by in collaboration with Bologna Urban Center and Bologna Municipality,
During the seminary experts, local administrators and academics will show the achieved results and will open a debate on social innovation, urban regeneration, participatory democracy and community entrepreneurship: an asset of themes that are crossing the bolognese experience through the hard work of Civic Imagination.
The seminary will end with a focus on the involvement of migrant citizens, with the aim of thinking about new methods of active citizenship.
The event will start with an institutional welcome from Matteo Lepore (Comune di Bologna) and Mirko degli Espositi (Bologna University).
The first session will be conducted by Roberta Paltrinieri (, Università di Bologna) and will host contributions from Giovanni Allegretti (Università di Coimbra, Portogallo), Andrea Boeri (Università di Bologna), Christian Iaione (LUISS-LabGov’s co-founder), Vincenza Pellegrino (Università di Parma). Conclusions by Giovanni Ginocchini (Urban Center Bologna).
The second session will be introducted by Lucia Fresa (Comune di Bologna), will be conducted by Giulia Allegrini (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna), Bernardo Venturi (Agenzia per il Peacebuiliding) and will host contributions by Pierluigi Musarò (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna), Stefania Paolazzi (URBAN CENTER BOLOGNA). Conclusions by Dino Cocchianella (Comune di Bologna Iperbole Rete Civica)
The full program is available here:
Giovedì 22 febbraio 2018 dalle ore 10.15 la sala Atelier dell’Urban Center di Bologna ospiterà il seminario “Una ricerca lunga un anno. Partecipazione e immaginazione nell’esperienza dei Laboratori di Quartiere del Comune di Bologna”
by Chiara De Angelis | Feb 21, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

On Thursday, February 22nd, and Friday 23rd, the Sapienza University of Rome is going to host “Smart Park a Centocelle“: two days of workshop all dedicated to the Centocelle Archeological Park, an area that is currently hosting an experimental project of urban regeneration from a “Smart” perspective, conducted by ENEA in collaboration with LUISS LabGov.
The workshop is organized in the context of the Lab of Environmental Desing from the degree course in Landscape Architecture, coordinated by Prof. Arch. Alessandra Battisti in collaboration with Ing. Mauro Annunziato from ENEA, and will be structured as following:
Thursday, February 22nd
- h 9.00: Institutional Welcome – Prof. Laura Ricci
- Introduction
- Prof. Alessandra Battisti (La Sapienza)
- Ing. Mauro Annunziato (ENEA)
- h 10.00: ENEA’s projects: Smart Cities & Smart Communities – Arch. Claudia Meloni (ENEA)
- h 10.30: Enabling Technologies for Smart Cities – Arch. Sabrina Romano (ENEA)
- h 11.00: Analysis of the urban climate and mitigation scenarios in Piazza dei Mirti – Michele Zinzi (ENEA)
- h 11.30: Co-Cities methodology for urban co-governance – Chiara Prevete and Chiara De Angelis (LabGov)
- h 14.00: workshop
Friday, February 23rd
- h 9.00: workshop
- h 14.30: presentation of the results
- h 16.30: open discussion on the results with LabGov’s co-founder Prof. Christian Iaione and community members
- Conclusions
The full program can be found here:
by Chiara De Angelis | Jan 11, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

On Friday, January 12, the Executive Urban Management Master of Amsterdam University of Applied Science is going to host a masterclass on The City as a Commons [1], held by LabGov’s co-founder prof. Christian Iaione.
The Master aims at growing young professionals willing to deal with the big urban challenges that cities are constantly facing nowadays. During this master students develop competences to effectively tackle metropolitan issues. They acquire up-to-date knowledge of various issues, methods and theories, do practical research and build a multidisciplinary network. After successfully completing the Urban Management master’s program, they may take the title of Master of Arts (MA).
The masterclass will focus on the LabGov theoretical framework and case studies, on the concept of the quintuple helix (the structure that stimulates public-private partnerships, by involving five types of actors: civic, social, cognitive, public and private), with an emphasis on the role of the knowledge institutions in the Co-City arena.
[1] Read the full paper “The City as a Commons” by Sheila Foster and Christian Iaione here: